What Type of Investor do I want to be When I Grow Up: Active or Passive?

What Type of Investor do I want to be When I Grow Up: Active or Passive?

Let me define...

How to Pay Less in Taxes (or Six Tax Saving Strategies for Real Estate Investors)

Six Tax Saving Strategies for Real Estate Investors

Most real estate investors own property personally or in an LLC...

You cannot force it to rain, but you can force a property to appreciate

You cannot force it to rain, but you can force a property to appreciate

One of the ways real...

Deciphering Syndication Investment Terminology

Deciphering Syndication Investment Terminology

So, you are at the point where you finally received your first Executive Summary (also...

What goes up must eventually come down (or Real Estate Market Cycles)

What goes up must eventually come down (or Real Estate Market Cycles)

We’ve all heard the old cliché, “What...

Is Your Portfolio at Risk if the Market Crashes?

Is Your Portfolio at Risk if the Market Crashes?

If the title of this article grabbed your attention, you’re...

Care For Your Investors Like Mom Cares For You

Care For Your Investors Like Mom Cares For You

Who do you know that gives you unconditional love and...