Where do you find the money to fund the properties?

Where to find the money to fund the projects?

More often than not, people tend to say, “find the...

Building Relationships to Raise Private Money

Building Relationships To Raise Private Money

Relationship building is a critical component of large-scale real estate investment.  This article...

What you as a Property Owner must do during COVID-19

What you as a Property Owner must do during the Pandemic

There are not a lot of good news...

Looking for Yet Another Long-Term Investment Opportunity? Can Hotel Investing possibly be the Answer?

Hotel Investing Pros and Cons

You may have been investing awhile perhaps or are looking for another “out of...

Interview with a passive investor

Interview with a passive investor

You know how the operator always speaks from their perspective. I wanted to share...

The Pros and Cons of investing in real estate syndication

The Pros and Cons of Investing in Real Estate Syndication

When considering any significant decision, many of us defer...

Should I buy a turn-key property or invest in a syndication?

Should I buy a Turn-Key property or invest in a Syndication?

Recently, we combed through the pros...

What Type of Investor do I want to be When I Grow Up: Active or Passive?

What Type of Investor do I want to be When I Grow Up: Active or Passive?

Let me define...

Deciphering Syndication Investment Terminology

Deciphering Syndication Investment Terminology

So, you are at the point where you finally received your first Executive Summary (also...

Care For Your Investors Like Mom Cares For You

Care For Your Investors Like Mom Cares For You

Who do you know that gives you unconditional love and...